Our Approach

We recognize and value ‘Play-Based Learning’ (PBL) as developmentally appropriate practice in the early years. PBL acknowledges that children instinctively explore, investigate, discover, manipulate and learn within their environment as they play. The national ‘Early Years Learning Framework’ advises:

“Play -based learning capitalises on children’s natural inclination to be curious, explore and learn. Children actively construct their own understanding that contribute to their own learning. In play experiences children integrated their emotions, thinking and motivation that assist to strengthen brain functioning” (EYLF V2.0 p.8)

The role of the educator within a PBL program is to facilitate children’s learning by flexibly weaving together integrated teaching and learning approaches. These approaches include; child-led play’, ‘guided play’ and ‘adult-led play’. Child-led play is freely directed by the child or children. It is voluntary, internally motivated and pleasurable. Guided play occurs when educators directly engage in play with children and co-construct their learning. Adult-led play is purposefully framed and planned by the educator based on the observed interests and needs of the children. All educators seek to be ‘intentional’ in their interactions with children. ‘Intentional teaching’ means educators are deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful in their decisions and actions in both their planned program and during every day spontaneous ‘teachable moments’. The ‘Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework’ states:

“Play is central to the concept of integrated teaching and learning approaches. Play is essential to stimulate and integrate a wide range of children’s intellectual, physical, social and creative abilities. Effective early childhood practices use integrated teaching and learning approaches to support sustained and shared interactions with children. Through play and other opportunities children learn to make sense of and construct ideas about the social and natural world – the people, places, objects and experiences they encounter every day” (VEYLDF p.14)

Other things we do to make a difference

Our centre is a place for parents and carers, as well as children. We encourage parents and grandparents to come into our rooms at any time, to read a book with children or take part in an activity.  Every term we have a family function in each room where families meet our staff and take part in fun activities with their children.

  • We focus on children developing healthy eating habits by introducing a wide range of fruits and vegetables into meals prepared by our cook.

  • We emphasise the importance of good manners by teaching children how to be kind and considerate to others, how to be resilient and develop self-regulation of their behaviour.

  • Our director is responsible for overseeing our teaching and learning program, making sure that every room has a detailed learning plan and every child has an individual learning plan that includes teacher observations and assessments.

  • We believe it is vital to intervene early if a child has a development problem.  Problems are identified early, assessed and acted on quickly. If families need specialist help we ensure they get it through our integrated model of health, education and family services available on site.

Policy and Government Regulations

Our centre’s program is guided by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority and the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

We ensure that our programs, staff, equipment and facilities comply with the regulations outlined by the Authority in its National Quality Framework.

To learn more about these regulations please go to the Authority’s website www.acecqa.gov.au